About me
I am an aspiring full stack developer, with a portfolio of projects covering Node, React, PSQL, and basic web development with HTML and CSS. My background in aerospace engineering has also helped me develop a strong problem-solving skillset, with a technical curiosity that drives me to find solutions using experimentation and continuous improvement.
Q & A
I like to work with people who...
Are open to trying new approaches to problems, and enjoy seeing each other succeed
I want to work for a company that...
Rewards creativity, invests in it's employees, giving them space to experiment and learn new skills
In 3-5 years I want to be...
In a senior tech role, operating at the forefront of innovation within my team
Outside of work I...
Enjoy trying new things, mountain biking, watersports, and working on cars
My coding journey
2017 - Learnt Matlab while completing my engineering degree at the University of Leicester
2019 - Scripted engaging online market research surveys while working for Consumer Insight. Using askia design, a menu based scripting software, modified with snippets of HTML, CSS and JavaScript, I scripted surveys on behalf of clients such as Severn Trent, Channel 4 and Laithwaites. This was my first experience designing content around engaging UX. I went on to use self-taught VBA to automate various Excel functions which improved efficiency when processing data.
2022 - Started learning to code using Codecademy, completing 'Learn HTML', 'Learn JavaScript', 'Learn Intermediate JavaScript' and most importantly sparking my passion for software development
2022 - Eager to take the next step into a software career, I enrolled in the October 2022 Northcoders bootcamp. Here I learnt many invaluable soft and hard skills including: Agile Software Development, Test Driven Development, Object Oriented and Functional Programming, Git, Software Spiking, Error Handling, React, PSQL, Express, as well as further building on my JavaScript, HTML and CSS abilities
2023 - I joined the Switch2Zero development team in April 2023, and quickly established myself as a reliable problem solver and innovator. I initially focused on backend development, becoming the team go-to for Postgres, Stripe payment integrations and Nest JS development. My capstone achievement is a comprehensive vehicle emissions calculator and offset system, an idea I put forward, and then developed with close collaboration with colleagues from all departments in the business.
2024/09 - Your company? I am currently looking for my next challenge, in a company where I can further develop my skills, learn new coding languages, and have a positive impact on my department. If you think this could be your company, please check out my portfolio or contact details from the navigation bar or buttons below